Blog: Teikyo Festival 2016

Added Friday 4th November 2016 by ()

/images/Jack-blog-items/Festival 2016/Festival 1.jpg今年も帝京大学ダラム分校、恒例のイベント「帝京祭」が催されました。大勢のお客様が訪れ、習字や折り紙、茶道、武道、浴衣の試着、焼きそばなど日本の文化と味を堪能されたようです。皆様からの寄付金は総額925ポンドにもなり、全額地元のチャリティー団体に寄付させていただきました。この場をかりて、ご来場の皆様、ご協力いただいたボランティアの方々に心より御礼申し上げます。

Teikyo Festival is always one of the biggest and most exciting events in our calendar, and this year was no exception!

The students worked very hard and the LHCC was transformed with decorations in the run-up to the festival, including a huge Mt Fuji by the entrance! On the day, the guests could experience a Japanese tea ceremony, watch several martial arts performances and listen to moving music recitals. Many also tried their hand at traditional arts such as calligraphy and origami.

They also had the chance to purchase Japanese-themed books from our book sale, authentic Yakisoba (noodles), and origami carefully made by the Teikyo students. Most importantly, the proceeds of our annual Teikyo festival always go to charity, and this year’s festival raised an amazing £925 for good causes throughout Durham and beyond!

Many thanks to the guests who attended on the day - and of course all the volunteers who worked so hard to make Teikyo Festival 2016 a resounding success. We hope to see you again next year!

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Added Friday 4th November 2016