Blog: Lunch in Castle
Added Thursday 7th June 2018 by (Return to Blog)
火曜日、帝京大ダラムキャンパス生たちは、ダラム大学最古のカレッジで食事をすることができました。1832年に創設されたこのカレッジはUniversity College と呼ばれ、通称は ‘Castle’ 。その名のとおり、ダラム城の中にあります。歴史ある Great Hall で楽しいランチタイムを過ごしたようです。
On Tuesday this week our students had the chance to have lunch at Durham University’s oldest college. University College was founded in 1832, and it is often simply called ‘Castle’ because it is located within Durham Castle’s historic buildings.
On Tuesday, we travelled to Palace Green at the heart of Durham and walked through the beautiful courtyard to the college’s servery. After choosing from a selection of lovely meals, we dined in the castle’s historic Great Hall (a room which was for over 200 years the largest in Britain!), before heading back to the LHCC to continue our day’s classes. This was a unique and enjoyable lunchtime experience for our students!
Return to Blog Added Thursday 7th June 2018