Blog: Rosebud Ceramics

Added Wednesday 2nd May 2018 by Jill Johnson ()

帝京大生たちはゲストレクチャーの一環として、陶芸の模様付けにチャレンジしました。 マグや動物の置物など、好きなものを選んで自由にデザインを楽しみます。写真のように、素晴らしい作品が仕上がりました。この後、釜で焼かれて完成です。完成品が届くのが楽しみですね。

Ceramics Workshop/Ceramics 3a.jpgThe Teikyo students were excited to attend a pottery session with Rosebud Ceramics this week. Lynn, from Rosebud Ceramics, explained the techniques for painting and the students then began their craft activity. Firstly they selected a ceramic mug or ornament, gave it a water wash and then proceeded to decorate their item with coloured paint using a variety of techniques to produce a unique piece of pottery. After painting, the items are taken away to be heated in a kiln (special pottery oven) at exceedingly high temperatures to seal the glaze. The students have been very imaginative, creating some wonderful designs, with some students even trying to replicate their college crest! The mugs, dogs, dragons, dinosaurs and angels will then be returned in a week or two once glazed as useable items which are all their own handiwork!


Ceramics Workshop/Ceramics 1a.jpgCeramics Workshop/Ceramics 2a.jpg

Added Wednesday 2nd May 2018