Blog: Holy Island

Added Friday 10th May 2019 by ()

帝京生たちはミニバスに乗ってホーリー・アイランドを訪ねました。強風に見舞われたこの日、まっすぐ歩くのもままならぬほどで、島の美しさを楽しむだけでなく、自然の脅威を感じることができました。そのあと、立ち寄った漁村シーハウジズではFish and Chipsを満喫して帰りました。

Holy Island2.jpgOn Saturday the Teikyo students went by minibus to The Holy Island of Lindisfarne. The tidal island is situated off the Northumberland coast in the north east of England, just a few miles south of the border with Scotland.

It is a place famous for its history and natural beauty. On the day the students visited the island, the weather was particularly spectacular. The wind was so strong it made quite difficult to do routine things such as walk in a straight line and take photographs. However, the students enjoyed battling the power of nature and discovering the island’s historical sites, Lindisfarne Castle and the ruins of the Priory. 

After a tour of the island everyone was hungry so the students went for lunch in the nearby fishing village of Seahouses and enjoyed some delicious Fish and Chips. A wonderful day out was had by all!

 Holy Island1.jpg


Added Friday 10th May 2019