Blog: Guest Lecture – Sir Arnold and Lady Wolfendale - 'Mass Extinctions-the Story of the Dinosaurs'

Staff Blog

Added Thursday 14th July 2016 by Helen McAree ()

帝京大学ダラム分校では、毎週ゲストを招いて専門的な分野の授業を全学生が受けています。このゲスト・レクチャーで、先週Sir Arnold Wolfendale FRS氏と奥様であるLady Wolfendale女史をお招きし特別講義(恐竜の絶滅について)を受けることができました。Sir Arnold氏は元14代王室天文官である天文物理学者、奥様は人類学者です。

During the course of our academic term, all of our students receive a weekly ‘Guest Lecture’. The subject of this ranges broadly -- this term we have hosted lectures on Italian Culture, Brazilian Culture, Geography of the UK and Ceramic Pottery Painting, amongst other themes.

Most recently, we were fortunate to receive Sir Arnold Wolfendale FRS and Lady Wolfendale who jointly lectured on 'Mass Extinctions -- the Story of the Dinosaurs'.

Lady Wolfendale is an Anthropologist and mentor in the College. Sir Arnold, an astrophysicist , was the 14th Astronomer Royal and is a prominent researcher. The couple also entertain the students at home from time to time. The photograph shows the group after the recent lecture. 


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Added Thursday 14th July 2016