

8am カレッジで朝食
9am 英語の授業
11am 休憩時間
11:30am 英語の授業
12.30pm カレッジで昼食
2pm 校長による「異文化理解」の授業
3:45pm ゲストによる講義
5pm カレッジで夕食
7pm スポーツや交流活動・自由時間

Daily Timetable

Naturally, the timetable at TUID varies, however, to provide you with an idea of what a typical day will entail please see the table below.

8am Breakfast in your college
9am English class
11am Break time
11:30am English class
12.30pm Lunch in your college
2pm Principal’s Cultural Awareness class
3:45pm Guest lecture
5pm Dinner in your college
7pm Sports or social activity/free time