校長挨拶 (経歴紹介)



          (Image: Iain Buist/Newcastle Chronicle)





 第二次世界大戦の困難な時代に、英国を率いたリーダーである、ウィンストン・チャーチル首相は、多くの有名な格言を残していますが、その一つに、「悲観主義者は、あらゆる機会の中に、問題を見出し、楽観主義者は、あらゆる問題の中に、機会を見出す」(英訳:A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.)という言葉があります。新型コロナの感染拡大で窮屈な毎日を送られている学生の皆さんは、学業を進めてゆく中でも多くの困難があると思いますが「ピンチはチャンス」と捉えて、是非、色々なことにチャレンジしていって欲しいと思います。学生時代に、海外生活を経験してその国の文化を学び、併せて、卒業後の人生で大いに役立つ外国語をマスターすることは、皆さんにとって大きな財産となります。ダラムキャンパス留学は、そうした貴重な経験を提供する格好のプラットフォームと言えるでしょう。




2022年5月    ダラムキャンパス校長 小菅 栄修

Principal’s Greeting

Welcome to Teikyo University Durham Campus

The Teikyo Durham Campus, located in the prestigious Durham University, which has the third oldest history after Oxford University and Cambridge University in England, was forced to suspend the acceptance of Japanese students due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but since the spring of 2022, the programme has been resumed for the first time in two years, and the smiles of the students have returned.

The former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the leader who led Britain during the difficult times of World War II, has left many famous sayings, one of which is that "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity ; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. Although students are facing many inconveniences and difficulties in their daily life as well as in studies due to the spread of the COVID-19 infection, I would like you to take on various challenges by all means, thinking that "a pinch is an opportunity". It is a great asset for you to experience living abroad and learn about the culture of the country as a student, and to master a foreign language that will be of great use in your life after graduation. Studying abroad at Durham Campus is a great platform to provide such valuable experiences.

As you know, Teikyo University's unchanging educational philosophy is "One’s Way." Britain, on the other hand, has its own long history and has fought against fascism at the risk of one's life, and a culture of individual values has taken root. When I was working for a company, I had been stationed in the UK twice for 10 years in total, and what I have seen there is a culture and life in which each and every British person values their individuality to the fullest. I think that this culture has the same basis of the "One’s Way" of Teikyo University.

Including language training in small classes with all British teachers, lectures on British culture and other different cultures, college life with Durham University students, club activities and work experiences to interact with Durham University students, field trips to London and Edinburgh, and at the end of the programme, language school training while home-staying with a British family for a month in the various parts of the UK, The Durham Campus offers a variety of activities that you will never experience with other programme.

We would like as many people as possible to come to the Durham Campus, which is widely open to Teikyo University students and, sincerely look forward to seeing you here at Durham Campus filled with greenery together with our faculty and staff.

 May 2022    Eishu Kosuge, Principal, Teikyo Durham Campus