


全ての帝京大生にダラム大生のラングウェッジ・パートナーがつきます。毎週、Open Houseやi-Club と呼ばれる集まりで、会話を楽しみながら異文化や言葉を学べます。





Extra-curricular Activities

Language Learning

Alongside the EFL classes which the students attend here in Durham, they also have many other opportunities for learning and are actively encouraged to engage in at least one of our schemes. The one main aim is to encourage TUID students to engage in conversation with other English speakers outside of the classroom environment and actively practice their developing skills. 

Language Partners

All students are given a Language Partner. These are volunteer students from Durham University who belong to Durham Inter-Collegiate Christian Union. The students are encouraged to meet their language partners at weekly events called Open House and i-Club, organised by Durham Inter-Collegiate Christian Union in conjunction with the TUID EFL department. Different activities take place each week, offering our students the opportunity to learn and use new vocabulary in a natural conversational setting whilst experiencing different cultural opportunities.

Cultural Exchange Programme

This scheme involves TUID students meeting Durham students who are interested in learning about Japanese culture and language.  The Cultural Exchange scheme offers English conversation and experiences alongside sharing knowledge about Japan which the students arrange independently after being matched to an appropriate partner by EFL staff and meeting in LHCC for the first time.

The concept of cultural exchange works very well and the students enjoy being able to exchange knowledge in an informal setting, often arranging to attend events and activities with their Cultural Exchange partner.

Host Family Scheme

This is a very successful scheme which is coordinated by EFL staff. Host families have a general interest in Japan and/or international students and are keen to encourage and support the TUID students while they are in the UK, particularly if students are nervous about trying to engage in cultural experiences. Through regular meetings and shared cultural events, they encourage TUID students to speak English in a natural environment. Selected TUID students are matched with a host family and enjoy a range of cultural experiences with them. These activities could include dinner in the host’s home, visiting cultural events, sightseeing and trips to local coffee shops and cafés, depending on the interest of the host family.

Host families vary from young Durham professionals to retired couples, but they all have in common a desire to see the TUID students flourish during their time in Durham.