Blog: Gym

Staff Blog

Added Friday 25th November 2016 by ()

/images/Jack-blog-items/Boxercise/Gym1.JPG勉強の合間に体を動かすことで、ストレス発散、体力増強を図るのはとても大切なことです。今日ご紹介するフィットネス・ルームは学生寮であるエツコ・ホールにあり、ボクササイズなどのフィットネスクラスも定期的に行われています。また、学生たちは’Gym Rep'と呼ばれる役割を与えられ、いつも快適に使えるよう責任を持ってこの部屋の管理を行っています。


It’s important to take a break from studying, and we encourage the students to use our new fitness suite located in Etsuko Hall when taking a time out. The fitness suite is a great place to destress, keep fit and socialise! We also hold regular fitness classes in this space, allowing the students to learn new workout routines and train as a group, motivating each other to push harder.

This fitness class is called boxercise, and involves a combination of boxing technique practice and fitness circuits. It has been great to see some of the regular attenders develop their boxing skills and improve their fitness. There are usually expressions of satisfaction at the end of a hard session. For example, students have said “Today’s session was challenging but also fun!”.

For some, this fitness suite has led to more exciting responsibilities through the ‘Gym Rep’ role. We have one male and one female Gym Rep, and it is their responsibility to ensure the gym remains a safe and enjoyable environment for exercising. This responsibility allows them to practice their communication, organisation and leadership skills.



Added Friday 25th November 2016