Blog: Durham City Run

Staff Blog

Added Tuesday 25th July 2017 by ()

Durham City Run/race1.JPG7月19日水曜日、6名の学生達は3名のダラム分校スタッフと一緒に、ダラム市のランニング大会に参加しました。2名は10キロ、7名は5キロに参加しました。胸につけたレース番号にチップが入っており、正確なランニングタイムが分かるようになっていました。約2千人以上のランナーが集まり、緊張感のある中、レースは午後7時に始まりました。狭い石畳の道から始まり、続いて美しい川沿い、そしてゴールの教会を目指して走りました。多くの観客の声援の中、最後の最も厳しい坂道を、ゴール目がけて全力疾走しました。ゴールを通過後、参加者はメダル、Tシャツ、バッグなどの記念品をもらいました。学生達は素晴らしいタイムでランニング大会を終えることが出来ました。来年は、更に多くの学生が参加することを楽しみにしています。

On Wednesday 19th July, six Teikyo students along with three staff members took part in the second ever Durham City Run. There was an option for a 5K or 10K race each starting in the Market Place and finishing on Palace Green next to the cathedral. Two of us took part in the 10K and seven of us took part in the 5K.

We were each given race numbers which we pinned to our running gear. These were used to give us the correct timing for the run. Just before the start of the race we gathered on Palace Green with over 2000 other runners! With all of us feeling slightly nervous but also very excited, the race started just after 7pm.

We began by running through the narrow cobbled streets and then along the beautiful River Wear with the Cathedral always beckoning us at the finish. Here was the most challenging part, a final sprint finish up the hill to Palace Green in between the Cathedral and Castle with supporters cheering us on!

After crossing the finish line, all runners were presented with a medal, a t-shirt and a goody bag. Well done to all our students for finishing with excellent times! We look forward to entering some more students into next year’s race.

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Added Tuesday 25th July 2017