Blog: Language School Fair

Staff Blog

Added Wednesday 10th May 2017 by Helen McAree ()

/images/Summer 2017/Language school fair/Language school 1.jpg先週、ダラム分校生たちは語学学校の説明会に参加しました。イギリス各地から集まった語学学校の代表の皆さんから様々な資料を受け取り、学生たちも英語でたくさんの質問をしていました。8月の5週間、どこで学ぶかじっくりと検討して決めてほしいものです。

Last week, all 22 of our students had a chance to meet representatives from Language School companies from around the UK. Soon they will all decide which school they would like to study at for 5 weeks during August this summer.

The locations on offer include: Edinburgh, Northumbria, Manchester, Liverpool, London, Dublin, Plymouth, Leeds, York, Harrogate and Brighton…and many more.

Students had time to circulate amongst the tables and pick up information about the schools. Some watched short films about the city or school. Everyone did well asking questions and getting good information and of course the teachers were on hand to assist.

So now it’s time for everyone to make a decision about their summer…good luck!

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Added Wednesday 10th May 2017