Blog: European Field Trip - Germany

Staff Blog

Added Friday 6th July 2018 by ()

<春期留学生2名ベルリン・ポツダム・ドレスデン研修旅行>  先月、EUの盟主ドイツ、その首都ベルリンへの研修旅行が初めて実施されました。郊外に本学のベルリンキャンパスがあり、参加した2名の学生はそこを拠点に市中心部、第2次世界大戦後の戦後処理が協議されたポツダム、さらには200キロ南にある古都ドレスデンを訪問し、イギリスとドイツの文化の違いを楽しんだようです。

Two spring students went to Berlin in June. Berlin is the capital city of Germany after reunification in 1990. Staying in the Teikyo Berlin Campus, they visited Brandenburg Tor, Museum Island and so on in the central area of the city, Potsdam adjacent to Berlin, and Dresden 200km south of Berlin. They really enjoyed cultural difference between England and Germany.

At Brandenburger Tor

Berlin/At Brandenburger Tor.jpg

At Pergamon Museum

Berlin/At Pergamon Museum.jpg

At Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam

Trips/Berlin/Schloss Sanssouci.jpg

In Dresden with Dr Peterwitz of Teikyo Berlin Campus

Berlin/In Dresden with Dr Peterwitz of Teikyo Berlin Campus.jpg

Remains of Berlin Wall

Berlin/Remains of Berlin Wall.jpg


Posted by Mr Shigeto Imai, General Manager

Added Friday 6th July 2018