Blog: Ex-Teikyo Student, Saki's Blog

Staff Blog

Added Tuesday 3rd August 2021 by Miki Binks ()



私は、2015-2016年の 帝京ダラム留学秋期コース、2017年 ダラム市役所でのインターンシップ、 2019年から現在の大学院留学と3度のダラム滞在経験があります。












Hello everyone. My name is Saki Yoshida and I am a graduate from Teikyo Heisei University. I am currently studying Accounting at Durham University Business School.

I have lived in Durham for a total of three times - 2015-2016 Teikyo Durham studying abroad, 2017 International Office Internship at Durham County Council, and 2019- Master at Durham University Business School.

For me, Durham is a precious place. It stimulates my mental growth and my times living here have been a turning point in my life.

It is not easy to live in a new place by yourself using an unfamiliar language.

However, the outcome which you can get from this challenging experience far outweights the struggle.

Teikyo University of Japan in Durham (TUID) gives so many opportunities to students. Work Experience, Host Families, School Visit, Japanese Class as well as being part of a Durham University College – I am St. Mary’s – gives us a unique chance to integrate within student and local community life. I also went to Language School in Oxford during the winter holiday.

When I was a TUID student, although I was a fresher, I was selected as a leader of Teikyo Festival and also got an internship one year later.

Helen told me the reasons why she chose me was that my attitude towards taking lectures and listening to tutors was good.

At that time, I was surprised because I noticed that they pay attention each student carefully and was assessed regardless of my age. I remember that it became a big motivation to work hard for me.

I’m sure that you can also get similar experience in Durham.

My advice to any students who are thinking of studying Durham would be that you should get the opportunity.


Added Tuesday 3rd August 2021